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[求助] U8V16.1 固定资产1月份启用,结账提示BOF或EOF 无法结账

发表于 2023-4-18 16:17:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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U8V16.1 固定资产1月份启用,结账提示BOF或EOF 无法结账

SELECT [session_name], [definition], [host_address], [owner_id], [table_name], [is_enabled] FROM [dbo].[pdw_diagnostics_sessions] (NOLOCK)
IF Exists( Select * FROM fa_Cards WHERE (((fa_Cards.dInputDate)<=N'2023-01-31') AND ((fa_Cards.dTransDate)<=N'2023-01-31' Or (fa_Cards.dTransDate) Is Null) AND ((fa_Cards.dDisposeDate)<=N'2023-01-31' Or (fa_Cards.dDisposeDate) Is Null)))
set implicit_transactions on SET NO_BROWSETABLE OFF
Delete from UFFA_BAK_AccInformation where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_EQ_SendUser where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_AssetAttached where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_AssetTypes where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Depreciations where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Origins where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Status where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Items where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsManual where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsOfQuery where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsOfModel where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Models where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards where iyearJZ = 2023 and
imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeptScale where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards_Detail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprTransactions_Detail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_WorkLoad_Detail where iyearJZ = 2023 and
imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_Detail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_EvaluateVouchers_Detail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_CheckMain where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_CheckSetup where iyearJZ = 2023 and
imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_CardsSheets where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Control where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprList where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprTransactions where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1
Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprVoucherMain where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprVouchers where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprVouchers_pre where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Dictionary where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete
from UFFA_BAK_fa_EvaluateMain where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_EvaluateVouchers where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_ZWVouchers where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Objects where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from
UFFA_BAK_fa_QueryFilters where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Querys where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Total where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_WorkLoad where
iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_JKItemSet where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_JKSet where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_AssetGroup where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_Group where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_GroupDetail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_splitCards where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_checklists where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards_log where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_CardOfInv where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_CardOfPUColSet where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_SourceScale where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DepSourceSubject where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_SourceClass where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Source where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprTransactions_SourceDetail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards_SourceDetail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_WorkLoad_SourceDetail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_EvaluateVouchers_SourceDetail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_SourceDetail where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprVouchersSource_pre where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprVouchersSource where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_DeptProScale where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1 Delete from UFFA_BAK_fa_ApplyDeptProScale where iyearJZ = 2023 and imonthJZ = 1
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_AccInformation select cSysID, cID, cName, cCaption, cType, cValue, cDefault, bVisible, bEnable,1,2023 FROM AccInformation WHERE LOWER([cSysID]) = N'fa'
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_EQ_SendUser select cSendType, cPerson,1,2023 FROM EQ_SendUser where cSendType LIKE N'FA_%'
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_AssetAttached select lID, sCardNum, sNum, sName, sStyle, sUnit, lQuantity, dblValue, dDate, memRemark, sMark, sLockedBy ,1,2023 FROM fa_AssetAttached
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_AssetTypes(sID, sNum, sName, sEngName, sParentID, sParentNum, sNum1, sNum2, sNum3, sNum4, sDeprMethodNum, iDeprType, dblBVRate, sUnit, iLife, sModelID, iLevel, lByUsed, iDefineType, lChilds, bVisible, sLockedBy, sDefaultAssetSubjectNum, sDefaultDeprTotalSubjectNum, sDefaultDecPreSubjectNum, bNotCanRetDecValue, sNum5, sNum6, sNum7, sNum8, sDefaultCleanUpSubjectNum, bNewAssetDepr,sDefaultDeprSubjectByType,imonthjz,iyearjz) select sID, sNum, sName, sEngName, sParentID, sParentNum, sNum1, sNum2, sNum3, sNum4, sDeprMethodNum, iDeprType, dblBVRate, sUnit, iLife, sModelID, iLevel, lByUsed, iDefineType, lChilds, bVisible, sLockedBy, sDefaultAssetSubjectNum, sDefaultDeprTotalSubjectNum, sDefaultDecPreSubjectNum, bNotCanRetDecValue, sNum5, sNum6, sNum7, sNum8, sDefaultCleanUpSubjectNum, bNewAssetDepr,sDefaultDeprSubjectByType,1,2023 FROM fa_AssetTypes
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Depreciations select * ,1,2023 FROM fa_Depreciations
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Origins select * ,1,2023 FROM fa_Origins
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Status select * ,1,2023 FROM fa_Status
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Items select * ,1,2023 FROM fa_Items
select A.Name as columname,A.length as length,CASE A.xtype WHEN N'61' THEN N'' WHEN N'62' THEN N'' when N'56' then N''  WHEN N'231' THEN N'(' + CONVERT(char(3), A.length) + N')' END as clength,CASE A.xtype WHEN N'61' THEN N'datetime' WHEN N'62' THEN N'float' when N'56' then N'int' WHEN N'231' THEN N'nvarchar' END AS type from syscolumns A inner join sysobjects B on A.id = B.id where objectProperty(B.id,N'IsUserTable') = 1 and a.Name like N'man%' and B.id = object_id(N'fa_ItemsManual')
delete UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsManual where imonthJZ = 1 and iyearJZ = 2023 INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsManual(sCardNum,imonthJZ,iyearJZ) select sCardNum,1,2023 from fa_ItemsManual
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_CheckMain select [sNum], [dCheckDate], [iCheckMode], [sCheckRange], [sOperator] ,1,2023,sCheckNums,[sSummaryNum],[Summarized] FROM fa_CheckMain
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_CheckSetup select  [sCheckNum], [bSetType],[sItemNum] ,1,2023 FROM fa_CheckSetup
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_checklists select  sCheckNum,sAssetNum,sAssetName,iStatus,iSign,sRemark,sTypeNum,dStartdate,sAssetNumNew,cApprover ,1,2023,Summarized FROM fa_checklists
select A.Name as columname,A.length as length,CASE A.xtype WHEN N'61' THEN N'' WHEN N'62' THEN N'' when N'56' then N'' WHEN N'231' THEN N'(' + CONVERT(char(3), A.length) + N')' END as clength,CASE A.xtype WHEN N'61' THEN N'datetime' WHEN N'62' THEN N'float' when N'56' then N'int' WHEN N'231' THEN N'nvarchar' END AS type from syscolumns A inner join sysobjects B on A.id = B.id where objectProperty(B.id,N'IsUserTable') = 1 and a.Name like N'man%' and B.id = object_id(N'fa_CheckData')
delete UFFA_BAK_fa_CheckData where imonthJZ = 1 and iyearJZ = 2023 INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_CheckData(sCheckNum, sAssetNum, sAssetName, sDeptNum, sTypeNum, sCurrency, sStyle, sSite, lLife, dStartdate, dInputDate, dblFCValue, dblExchangeRate, sOperator, dblValue, dblBV, dblBVRate, dblCanWork, dblPerDepr, sWorkUnit, sTypeName, sOrgAdd, sStatus, sDeprMethod, lDeprMonths, dblWork, dblWorkT, dblDeprRate, dblDepr, dblDeprT, dblNetValue, dblBuildArea, lBuildNum, lMachinNum, dblMachinW, dblDecPreValueT, dblRetDecPreValueT, sDeptNames, bMultiDept, sGroupNum,sKeeper ,cVenCode,dPurDate,sSummaryNum ,imonthJZ,iyearJZ) select sCheckNum, sAssetNum, sAssetName, sDeptNum, sTypeNum, sCurrency, sStyle, sSite, lLife, dStartdate, dInputDate, dblFCValue, dblExchangeRate, sOperator, dblValue, dblBV, dblBVRate, dblCanWork, dblPerDepr, sWorkUnit, sTypeName, sOrgAdd, sStatus, sDeprMethod, lDeprMonths, dblWork, dblWorkT, dblDeprRate, dblDepr, dblDeprT, dblNetValue, dblBuildArea, lBuildNum, lMachinNum, dblMachinW, dblDecPreValueT, dblRetDecPreValueT, sDeptNames, bMultiDept, sGroupNum,sKeeper ,cVenCode,dPurDate,sSummaryNum ,1,2023 from fa_CheckData
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsOfQuery select iQuerysType,sName,1,2023 FROM fa_ItemsOfQuery
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_ItemsOfModel select  sModelID, iSheetID, sItemID, lItemRow, lItemStartCol, lItemEndCol, lInputCol, bSameCaption, sLockedBy ,2023,1 ,2023  FROM fa_ItemsOfModel where iyear = 2023
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Models select *,1,2023 FROM fa_Models
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards(sCardID,sCardNum,sAssetNum,sAssetName,lOptID,iOptType,iNewType,sZWVoucherType,sZWVoucherNum,sDeptNum,sTypeNum,sOrgID,sOrgAddID,sOrgDisposeID,sDisposeReason,sStatusID,sDeprMethodID,sCurrency,sDeprSubjectNum,sDeprSubjectName,sProjectNum,sProjectName,sStyle,dblBuildArea,lBuildNum,lMachinNum,dblMachinW,sSite,lLife,dStartdate,dInputDate,dTransDate,dDisposeDate,iInputPeriod,iTransPeriod,iDisposePeriod,dblFCValue,dblExchangeRate,sOperator,sDisposer,dblNetValueAct,lDeprMonthsAct,dblCanWorkAct,dblLegacy,sVoucherNum,sEvaluateNum,dblValue,dblDecDeprT,dblDecDepr,dblDecDeprRate,lDecDeprMonths,dblDecWorkT,dblDecPerDepr,dblBV, dblBVRate,dblCanWork,dblPerDepr,lUsedMonths,sWorkUnit, dblTransInDeprTCard, dblTransOutDeprTCard,iVouchsNextMonthAct,sTransTypeNum,sTransDepteNum, sLockedBy, dblDecPreValueT,dblRetDecPreValueT, bMultiDept,sDeptNames,bNewDepring,sGroupNum,bSplit,dblAddTax,dblValueAndTax,bFromInv,sKeeper,cVenCode,dPurDate,sSeriesNum,sCommodityCode,imonthJZ,iyearJZ) select sCardID,sCardNum,sAssetNum,sAssetName,lOptID,iOptType,iNewType,sZWVoucherType,sZWVoucherNum, sDeptNum,sTypeNum,sOrgID,sOrgAddID,sOrgDisposeID,sDisposeReason,sStatusID,sDeprMethodID,sCurrency,sDeprSubjectNum,sDeprSubjectName,sProjectNum,sProjectName,sStyle,dblBuildArea,lBuildNum,lMachinNum,dblMachinW,sSite,lLife,dStartdate,dInputDate,dTransDate,dDisposeDate,iInputPeriod,iTransPeriod,iDisposePeriod,dblFCValue,dblExchangeRate,sOperator,sDisposer,dblNetValueAct,lDeprMonthsAct,dblCanWorkAct,dblLegacy,sVoucherNum,sEvaluateNum,dblValue,dblDecDeprT,dblDecDepr,dblDecDeprRate,lDecDeprMonths,dblDecWorkT,dblDecPerDepr,dblBV,dblBVRate,dblCanWork,dblPerDepr,lUsedMonths,sWorkUnit, dblTransInDeprTCard, dblTransOutDeprTCard,iVouchsNextMonthAct, sTransTypeNum, sTransDepteNum, sLockedBy,dblDecPreValueT,dblRetDecPreValueT,bMultiDept,sDeptNames,bNewDepring,sGroupNum,bSplit,dblAddTax,dblValueAndTax,bFromInv,sKeeper,cVenCode,dPurDate,sSeriesNum,sCommodityCode,1,N'2023' FROM fa_Cards
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards_log select VariationAction, VariationLogId, bDeletedRst, dLogTime, sCardID, sCardNum, sAssetNum, sAssetName, lOptID, iOptType, iNewType, sZWVoucherType, sZWVoucherNum, sDeptNum, sTypeNum, sOrgID, sOrgAddID, sOrgDisposeID, sDisposeReason, sStatusID,sDeprMethodID, sCurrency, sDeprSubjectNum, sDeprSubjectName, sProjectNum, sProjectName, sStyle, dblBuildArea, lBuildNum, lMachinNum, dblMachinW, sSite, lLife, dStartdate, dInputDate, dTransDate, dDisposeDate, iInputPeriod, iTransPeriod, iDisposePeriod, dblFCValue, dblExchangeRate, sOperator, sDisposer, dblNetValueAct, lDeprMonthsAct,dblCanWorkAct, dblLegacy, sVoucherNum, sEvaluateNum, dblValue, dblDecDeprT, dblDecDepr, dblDecDeprRate, lDecDeprMonths, dblDecWorkT, dblDecPerDepr, dblBV, dblBVRate, dblCanWork, dblPerDepr, lUsedMonths, sWorkUnit, dblTransInDeprTCard, dblTransOutDeprTCard, iVouchsNextMonthAct, sTransTypeNum, sTransDepteNum, sLockedBy, dblDecPreValueT,dblRetDecPreValueT, bMultiDept, sDeptNames, bNewDepring, sGroupNum, bSplit, dblAddTax, dblValueAndTax, bFromInv,sKeeper ,1,2023  , cVenCode,dPurDate , sSeriesNum,sCommodityCode FROM fa_Cards_log
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_splitCards select sSplitNum, lOptID, sCardNum, iSplitCount, sVoucherNum, bParent, bDelete,1,2023 FROM fa_splitCards
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_CardOfInv select *,1,2023 FROM fa_CardOfInv
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_CardOfPUColSet select *,1,2023 FROM fa_CardOfPUColSet
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_AssetGroup select *,1,2023 FROM fa_AssetGroup
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_Group select *,1,2023 FROM fa_Vouchers_Group
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_GroupDetail select *,1,2023 FROM fa_Vouchers_GroupDetail
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_DeptScale select *,1,2023 FROM fa_DeptScale
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_DeptProScale(sCardNum, sDeptNum, lOptID, dblScale, sDeprSubjectnum, sDeprSubjectName, sProjectNum, sProjectName, cItemclsId,imonthJZ,iyearJZ)   select  sCardNum,sDeptNum,lOptID,dblScale,sDeprSubjectNum,sDeprSubjectName,sProjectNum,sProjectName,cItemclsId ,1,2023 FROM fa_DeptProScale
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_ApplyDeptProScale(vchID,sCardNum, sDeptNum, dblScale, sDeprSubjectnum, sDeprSubjectName, sProjectNum, sProjectName, cItemclsId,imonthJZ,iyearJZ)   select vchID, sCardNum,sDeptNum,dblScale,sDeprSubjectNum,sDeprSubjectName,sProjectNum,sProjectName,cItemclsId ,1,2023 FROM fa_ApplyDeptProScale
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Cards_Detail select  sCardID, sCardNum, sDeptNum, lOptID, dDisposeDate, iDisposePeriod, dblValue, dblDecDeprT, dblBV, dblCanWork, dblTransInDeprTCard, dblTransOutDeprTCard, dblDecPreValueT, dblRetDecPreValueT, dblBuildArea, lBuildNum, lMachinNum, dblMachinW, dblAddtax,dblValueAndTax ,1,2023 FROM fa_Cards_Detail
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_DeprTransactions_Detail select sCardNum, sDeptNum, dblDepr1, dblDeprT1, dblDepr2, dblDeprT2, dblDepr3, dblDeprT3, dblDepr4, dblDeprT4, dblDepr5, dblDeprT5, dblDepr6, dblDeprT6, dblDepr7, dblDeprT7, dblDepr8, dblDeprT8, dblDepr9, dblDeprT9, dblDepr10, dblDeprT10, dblDepr11, dblDeprT11, dblDepr12, dblDeprT12, dblMonthValue1, dblMonthValue2, dblMonthValue3, dblMonthValue4, dblMonthValue5, dblMonthValue6, dblMonthValue7, dblMonthValue8, dblMonthValue9, dblMonthValue10, dblMonthValue11, dblMonthValue12, dblMonthValue13, dblDeprThisYear,iyear,1,2023 FROM fa_DeprTransactions_Detail where iyear = 2023
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_WorkLoad_Detail select sCardNum, sDeptNum, dblWork1, dblWorkT1, dblWork2, dblWorkT2, dblWork3, dblWorkT3, dblWork4, dblWorkT4, dblWork5, dblWorkT5, dblWork6, dblWorkT6, dblWork7, dblWorkT7, dblWork8, dblWorkT8, dblWork9, dblWorkT9, dblWork10, dblWorkT10, dblWork11, dblWorkT11, dblWork12, dblWorkT12, dblDeprWorkThisYear,iyear ,1,2023 FROM fa_WorkLoad_Detail where iyear = 2023
INSERT INTO UFFA_BAK_fa_Vouchers_Detail(sNum, lOptID, sCardNum, sDeptNum, sBeforeVoucher, sAfterVoucher,sItemID, sSiteAfter ,sKeeperAfter,imonthJZ,iyearJZ,dblAddValueVou) select sNum, lOptID, sCardNum, sDeptNum, sBeforeVoucher, sAfterVoucher,sItemID, sSiteAfter ,sKeeperAfter,1,2023 ,dblAddValueVou  FROM fa_Vouchers_Detail

发表于 2023-5-10 16:59:17 | 显示全部楼层
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