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发表于 2023-10-14 18:40:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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update GL_Journal set idauxAccDepartment=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccdepartment=0)
and idauxAccDepartment is not null
update GL_Journal set idauxAccInventory=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccinventory=0)
and idauxAccInventory is not null
update GL_Journal set idauxAccCustomer=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxacccustomer=0)
and idauxAccCustomer is not null
update GL_Journal set idauxAccSupplier=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccsupplier=0)
and idauxAccSupplier is not null
update GL_Journal set idauxAccPerson=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccperson=0)
and idauxAccPerson is not null
update GL_Journal set idauxAccProject=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccproject=0)
and idauxAccProject is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc1=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc1=0)
and idexauxacc1 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc2=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc2=0)
and idexauxacc2 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc3=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc3=0)
and idexauxacc3 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc4=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc4=0)
and idexauxacc4 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc5=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc5=0)
and idexauxacc5 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc6=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc6=0)
and idexauxacc6 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc7=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc7=0)
and idexauxacc7 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc8=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc8=0)
and idexauxacc8 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc9=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc9=0)
and idexauxacc9 is not null
update GL_Journal set idexauxacc10=null
where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc10=0)
and idexauxacc10 is not null
update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idauxAccDepartment=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccdepartment=0 )
) and idauxAccDepartment is not null
update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idauxAccInventory=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccinventory=0 )
) and idauxAccInventory is not null
  update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idauxAccCustomer=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxacccustomer=0 )
) and idauxAccCustomer is not null
  update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idauxAccPerson=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccperson=0 )
) and idauxAccPerson is not null
  update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idauxAccProject=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isauxaccproject=0 )
) and idauxAccProject is not null
  update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc1=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc1=0 )
) and idexauxacc1 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc2=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc2=0 )
) and idexauxacc2 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc3=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc3=0 )
) and idexauxacc3 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc4=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc4=0 )
) and idexauxacc4 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc5=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc5=0 )
) and idexauxacc5 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc6=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc6=0 )
) and idexauxacc6 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc7=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc7=0 )
) and idexauxacc7 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc8=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc8=0 )
) and idexauxacc8 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc9=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc9=0 )
) and idexauxacc9 is not null
   update  GL_AuxiliaryInfo set idexauxacc10=null where
id in (select  auxiliaryinfoid from GL_Journal where idaccount in (select id from AA_Account where isexauxacc10=0 )
) and idexauxacc10 is not null
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