- 打卡等级:无名新人
- 打卡总天数:4
- 打卡月天数:3
- 打卡总奖励:18
- 最近打卡:2024-12-14 08:55:29
楼主 |
发表于 2024-4-22 11:13:11
select a.cinvcode,f.cinvstd,f.cinvname,b.cwhname,convert(float ,a.iquantity) ,
g.cComUnitName as MainUnit,g.iChangRate as mainrate,h.cComUnitName as asUnit,h.iChangRate as asRate
from currentstock as a inner join warehouse as b on a.cwhcode=b.cwhcode inner join v_inventory as f on a.cinvcode=f.cinvcode inner join inventory_extradefine as fe on f.cinvcode=fe.cinvcode
left join (select * from ComputationUnit where bMainUnit =1) as g on g.cComUnitCode=f.cComUnitCode and g.cGroupCode =f.cGroupCode
left join (select * from ComputationUnit where bMainUnit =0) as h on h.cComUnitCode=f.cSTComUnitCode and h.cGroupCode =f.cGroupCode
where iQuantity>0 and a.cinvcode like '%'+'500291'+'%'
cinvcode cinvname cwhname storagepos kc MainUnit kcas asUnit cinvstd asRate mainrate
500291 PE膜 GE成品库 1号库 1003.5842 平米 17985.38 公斤 幅宽1500,厚度0.06-单面6丝单刨 17.921147 1.000000
500291 PE膜 辅料库 1号库 3584.40145 平米 64236.59 公斤 幅宽1500,厚度0.06-单面6丝单刨 17.921147 1.000000