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with my1 as(select * from (select t2.InvCode fi,t5.cinvname,t5.cinvstd,t4.InvCode bi,t6.cinvstd bc,t6.cinvname bn,cast(t3.BaseQtyN/t3.BaseQtyD as float) us,case when t6.bPurchase=1 then t6.iInvNCost else 0 end iInvNCost,t6.bSelf from bom_parent t1 inner join bas_part t2 on t1.ParentId=t2.PartId
inner join bom_opcomponent t3 on t3.BomId=t1.BomId
inner join bas_part t4 on t3.ComponentId=t4.PartId
inner join Inventory t5 on t5.cInvCode=t2.InvCode
inner join Inventory t6 on t6.cInvCode=t4.InvCode
t4.InvCode not in('1196001','1196002','1196003')) s
union all
select my1.fi,my1.cinvname,my1.cinvstd,aaa.bi,aaa.bc,aaa.bn,my1.us*aaa.us us,aaa.iInvNCost,aaa.bSelf from my1,(select t2.InvCode fi,t4.InvCode bi,case when t6.bPurchase=1 then t6.iInvNCost else 0 end iInvNCost,t6.cinvstd bc,t6.cinvname bn,cast(t3.BaseQtyN/t3.BaseQtyD as float) us,t6.bSelf from bom_parent t1 inner join bas_part t2 on t1.ParentId=t2.PartId
inner join bom_opcomponent t3 on t3.BomId=t1.BomId
inner join bas_part t4 on t3.ComponentId=t4.PartId
inner join Inventory t6 on t6.cInvCode=t4.InvCode
where t4.InvCode not in('1196001','1196002','1196003')) aaa where my1.bi = aaa.fi and my1.bSelf=1)
select * from my1